Charming Cheerful Chickadees

I was out at Oswald West State Park on the Oregon Coast a couple weeks ago. My friends and I needed to take a break from the Summer Heat in Portland, so headed to the coast for our regular hike, where the day reach a crisp high of 62 degrees. It was a great comfortable hike. I’ve been out to Oswald West before, in fact, two of my great friends got married to each other on Short Sands Beach in the park, nearly a year ago. Here are a couple posts that I made last year featuring images from that wedding – Rings and Feet. It’s one of my favorite places on the coast. I’ve explored the North side of the park many times, so this time, I wanted to head South and explore that area for a bit. There are many old growth evergreen trees in this section. The trail we were on is part of the Oregon Coast Trail System, which I guess is a trail that follows the entire coast of Oregon. Towards the end of the trail, the trees give way to an open prairie on top of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. This is where we undoubtedly got a little too close to a nest of chickadees?  Because, all of a sudden there’s all these chickadees flying around us, and one in particular just chirping away, keeping her eye on us. It allowed me to take several pictures of these charming birds. Here are two of my favorites. Hope you like also?

Be sure to check out my previous post of Chickadees by visiting the link, just click on the word.


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