Winter Cactus

Happy Holidays!

To see a post about the origination of the Christmas Tree, see my post from last year.

Time for my annual Winter Cactus post. A little early this year, just in time for the Winter Holidays. I’ve been growing two Winter Cacti in my home now for 6 years. I rooted them from a friends plant. They’ve both been growing heartily for 6 years now. Last year, was the first year they both produced flowers. One grew two and the other only one. This year, so far there’s just one flower on one, the second cactus has yet to show a flower. So, it’s exciting for me, to witness something growing as these 2 cacti have been. The flowers they are producing look extra-ordinary. As you can tell, the third image in this series looks like a dragon to me. Kind of good timing with the historic release of the Third Hobbit movie. This could easily be #Smaug. What do you think?

Peace, in the Winter time.


An Accidental Anarchist

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