Sinatra – The Domesticated Cat

I haven’t featured my room mate Sinatra in a post recently. He’ll be 18 years sometime during 2014. He’s been hanging out with me for 16 of them. The consummate wild cat when we met, he was ready for domestic life, and is living it in all it’s glory. (that’s a long way to just say, “he’s spoiled!”) But I wouldn’t want him to change at all. He won’t leave my side these days. Whenever I’m home, he’s not sitting very far from me. It’s interesting to see another organism make the changes they make over the course of their life. These images feature him in various poses I’ve found him in, over the last few months. It’s almost like he loves getting his picture taken.

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You can check out, and purchase prints, of these images, and many others, on my Viewbug profile  –Emerald Studio Photography



An Accidental Anarchist

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